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Google Ad Grants Compliance 2018

Last updated: 15.04.2019

These policy updates were effective as of January 1st 2018 for all Ad Grantees.

1. Must not have single or generic keywords.

2. Must not have keywords with a Quality Score of 1 or 2.

3. Must have at least 2 active Ads per Ad Group and 2 active Ad Groups per Campaign.

4. Must maintain a 5% click-through rate (CTR) each month (at account level).

5. Must have at least 2 sitelink ad extensions.

6. Must use specific geo-targeting.

7. Must have valid conversion tracking in place.

8. Must respond to annual programme survey.

9. Website must be compliant.

Request reinstatement

Call Google: 0800 169 0409

Extra learning

Workshops: Attend or request one of my free Google Ad Grants workshops.

Contact for help

Jason Williams - Google Ad Grant manager


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