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Google Ad Grants Eligibility.

​Google Ad Grants is free advertising available to nonprofits and charities. There are strict rules for who's eligible for the Google Ad Grants program, see the latest guidelines below. 

Google Ad Grants eligibility guidelines

1. You must hold a valid charity status.


In the UK, applicants must be registered with HMRC as tax-exempt or:  


  • registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales 

  • registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) 

  • registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (CCNI) 


In the US, you’ll need to be registered as a 501(C)(3) organization.


2. Your nonprofit must be based in 1 of the 50+ qualifying countries.


3. You must have a live website that meets the following:


  • own website/domain - secured with HTTPS 

  • optimised pages that load quickly and without broken links 

  • clear description of your mission and activities 

  • prominent charity number/status or tax exemption number, organisation name, contact details (preferably at the footer of every page) 

  • up-to-date content that is unique to your organisation 

  • limited commercial activity that clearly describes how it supports your mission 

  • limited ads on website as much as possible  


4. You must have an active Google for Nonprofits account. 


5. You must be registered with TechSoup or a regional TechSoup arm.


Which nonprofits are not eligible for Google Ad Grants? 

  • Governmental entities and organisations.

  • Hospitals and medical groups.

  • Schools, childcare centres, academic institutions and universities*. 


*philanthropic arms of educational institutions are eligible



Google Ad Grant FAQs

Our charity has a live and up-to-date blog, but we still haven’t bought a domain. Are we eligible? 


Sorry, you must own your domain and website to be eligible for the Google Ad Grants programme.


What can we do if our charity's website is not HTTPS? 


Google has a strict rule that all charity applicants must have a secured website - check out this guide to securing your site with HTTPS.


Our charity is based and operating in the US, are there any differences with the requirements? 


Each of the 50+ qualifying countries has its own set of eligibility requirements - here's the detailed list.


I can't find my country on the list, what does that mean? 


Unfortunately, that would mean Google hasn't launched the programme in your location yet. Google for Nonprofits and Google Ad Grants are currently only available in limited markets, but stay tuned for news of the programme’s expansion in other countries.


We want to host AdSense on our charity’s website as a way to earn revenue, can we do so?


If you’re applying for a Google Ad Grant, you can’t host or display Google AdSense ads as well as other affiliate advertising links on your website.


Is the Grant strictly for non-commercial use?


Whilst commercial activity must not be the purpose of an applicant’s website, Google Ad Grants ads can help drive traffic to paid products and services as long as your website clearly describes how the funds are being used.

Our UK-registered charity doesn't have a Google for Nonprofits account nor a TechSoup registration - are we automatically ineligible for the grant? 


Certainly not! Applying for a grant should be easy but a single misstep or wrong information keyed in could automatically disqualify your application.


I can be the one to apply for your Google Ad Grant - 100% grant guarantee or no fee to pay!



Is your charity 100% eligible? Proceed to the next article: How to Apply for Google Ad Grants.

Additional services you might like:

Digital Strategy, Website Design, Email Marketing, Paid Advertising (PPC), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Data Looker.

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